Tuesday, September 14, 2004

vital-stim and functional swallowing

the functional swallow is an event that everyone all over the world takes absolutely for granted until it is impaired... then, a person is so totally confounded by its absence or malfunction...

to not eat, or to have difficulty with eating is... to say the least, devastating...

so, now that i am certified in neuromuscular electro-stimulation (nmes) of the swallow musculature, i am at a loss to explain to myself the lack of the equipment to perform the exercises...

to learn, to gain knowledge... implies requirement to do what one knows works...

1 comment:

Carley said...

after thinking about my post, i realized that many slps, or so we speech language pathologists are called, are cautious in the extreme about new and unproved methods of treatment...

my own attitude towards new is... the technique may not work, but little treatment that we do day in and day out has been proven to work... for all we know, it is the loving attention that we give to our patients that makes the difference, not the actual technique or tool we are using that works...

so, if the tool is not dangerous and if the technique has not been proven ineffective, i think we owe it to our patients to try...

after all, they are the ones who can not swallow... not us...

like that quote from my earlier post... look it up...