Wednesday, September 29, 2004

"cannon fodder" college students

an alarm is sounding at earlham among some parents... seems that a rumor is floating around that the draft is coming back... that men and women will equally be called to serve, that canada will be closed, that disabilities won't matter, and that our collegiate children will be "cannon fodder" as one parent wrote...

oddly, i thought that it was kerry who was calling for 40,000 additional troops without indicating from where these troops would come... perhaps he plans to start the draft and take college students, the disabled, and men and women over to iraq before finding a solution and bringing them home...

maybe if we as americans supported our troops financially and spiritually, then iraq would gain freedom, we would remain safer, and our children could stay in the colleges of their choices...

i don't know... but, as for me, i am supporting "w", the president...


paparatti said...

I really don't think you should base your opinion on rumours. I've heard the rumours, but not attributed to either political candidate.

And FYI - money and prayers aren't going to replace the 1000+ troops that have been killed over in Iraq. If you think that's how this mess is going to be solved, then you're delusional. The only way it's going to be solved, is if Bush is kicked out of power and someone with half a political brain (and not a religiously-biased, ex-alcoholic/cocaine junkie) is put in his place.

Sounds to me like you're swayed a little by the right-wing propoganda. It's not unpatriotic to be against the war (and you can still support the troops in doing the best job they can do - it's not like we can pull out now, is it?), and it's more than stupid to think that Bush is the least likely to call for a draft. He's the one that's sending kids out to fight a needless war...remember?

Oh, and Iraq is never going to be free. Didn't work last time (I assume you know that this "war" isn't the first attempt at freeing Iraq, right? Check your country's history), won't work now. All we can do is clear up the mess.

The mess of the man you're going to vote for. Good luck with that...

Carley said...

hey natalie, thanks for your comment... i appreciate your thoughts... remember the number of suicides among teens last year was about 1000, and although death is definitely sad and unfortunate, i would rather that my son or daughter die fighting for the freedom of others than die taking his or her own life...

you should take a look at some of the blogs that are coming out of iraq to get a different perspective...

thanks again for your visit...