Friday, December 24, 2004

mark alexander's "the true meaning of christmas"

read this extraordinary article on the attacks on christmas in the public square


Anonymous said...

Mr. Alexander makes many valid points regarding the true meaning of Christmas for Christians, however he is wrong to equate respect for individual rights of freedom and revenge for the outcome of the national election! How devisive! Consider that in a predominantly Jewish neighborhood, it would be rude, unpatriotic, and probably somewhat non-Christian to erect a Crech scene in a public place while Jews are rejoicing over their flight from Egypt, a fact which was observed long before the world establsihed a date to represent the time of Christ's birth.

Carley said...

why is erecting a crech in a public place unpatriotic or unchristian just because others in the community do not worship in the same manner? that is to say that i, as a christian, would somehow be offended by the star of david being displayed publicly. that is ridiculous. a person of faith, worshipping in our country openly and peacefully, is someone to be admired and protected; not someone to be ridiculed or ignored or censored...