Monday, December 13, 2004

humanist "how to" on raising spiritual kids

yep, it's true... (please note, emphasis in the following quote is mine, and i take full responsibility for it...)
"Kids are going to hear about God all over," says Neifert (a pediatrician) "If you don't put your own spin on it, with your own values, they'll absorb someone else's."

Don't pretend to have all the answers. When your child asks where people go when they die, answer honestly: "Nobody knows for sure, but some people think they go to heaven to be close to God. Other people think they're born again in a new body." Inevitably, your child will ask what you think. If you have a strong belief, share it. If not, it's okay to admit that there are some questions people spend their whole lives trying to figure out -- and this is one of them.

Use daily events to teach spirituality. Big ideas don't always require big actions. You can demonstrate that spirituality is a part of everyday life by incorporating it into ordinary actions and words. When you open the curtains in the morning, you can say, "Look at this glorious day Mother Nature made." At bedtime, you can sign off with, "God bless you, sweetie pie."

yep, it's true... didn't you realize that mother nature creates the day while God just closes it off at the end!

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