Monday, December 10, 2007

Jeanne Assam: Security Guard at New Life Church

Security Guard at New Life Church of Colorado Springs, Colorado who confronted and shot Matthew Murray, the 24 year old shooter. Note in the following report that Assam and other volunteer security guards at the church are trained and licensed. Assam acknowledges God's help and presence, but she is not a vigilante.

Bea Karnes writes:
Assam said that it felt as if it was just she, the gunman and God in the church. "I give the credit to God. I say that very humbly," said Assam. "Because of the fire power he had versus what I had, (it) was God. I did not run away, and I didn't think for even a minute to run away. I just knew that I was given the assignment to end this before it got too much worse....My hands weren't even shaking."

Assam acknowledged that it was loud and scary. She repeated "so loud" three times during the news conference.

Assam is part of a security detail at the church that's licensed, trained and equipped with firearms. They're all church members who worship at one service, while being assigned to provide security at a different service. Assam didn't hesitate to shoot the gunman. "I just knew that I wasn't going to wait for him to do further damage," she said.


Anonymous said...

First, I commend her on helping to save lives. She was a very brave lady.

Second...Is there ANY way, I can get her number? She is a VERY ATTRACTIVE lady also! LOL!

Anonymous said...

Interesting article , you make some interesting points .

Security Guard dir