Saturday, October 6, 2007

I See You on the Sea

I See You on the Sea

How odd life has been today as I have watched myself

Flee pain and search for peace;

As I have discovered that I do not want or need you any longer.

You are a fading memory

Of a boy I knew so far away.

I see you on the sea, tossed about like a tiny paper ship.

I see you in a field being whipped around by winds not even strong.

I see you holding hands with someone who is not the one you promised

To love your whole lifetime.

I see your ship sinking beneath a wave not even tall enough to cover the mast.

Your anchor has failed, and you are drifting away.

I have no means to call you back; no means to right your ship, to stop

The wind from pushing you onto the ground where

You choose to lie face down in mud, thinking it, I suppose,

Sweet to smell and taste.

Val Evans 03/10/2006


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