Sunday, November 28, 2004

praise, confess, remind, ask; then work with all your heart

nehemiah was not ashamed to show on his face his "sadness of heart" even before someone in authority over him... he was the king's cupbearer...

nehemiah was in pain that the walls of jerusalem were destroyed by fire; therefore he "mourned", he "fasted", and he "prayed"...

in his prayer, he praises God, he confesses his and the people's sins, he reminds God of His covenant-promise, and he asks for success...

then God works through the king to send nehemiah to jerusalem where he waits three days... during those days, nehemiah tells no one that God has told him to rebuild the wall... he examines very thoroughly the damages... only then does he tell the jews...

the people respond, "Let us start rebuilding."

nehemiah says, "The God of heaven will give us success."

turns out that "the people worked with all their heart."

"Don't be afraid...Remember the Lord, who is great and awesome, and fight for your brothers, your sons and your daughters, your wives and your homes."

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