Friday, April 20, 2007

back once more

something rather extraordinary happened to me this year - i discovered roman catholicism and have converted as of january 30th...

i was sitting on my couch, praying.

suddenly, i asked the Lord to help me to be holy that wednesday... and i realized that i had seldom if ever prayed for this help...

now, something struck me as not right about that fact...

and, having spent approximately 4 mos. exploring catholicism, i decided to accept the truth that Christ did choose 12 particular men to be apostles and later 1 more to lead His church over the years...

makes sense to me...


.Tom Kapanka said...

a long time ago you posted a comment on my blog about manikins. I have no idea how you found it, but I happened upon the comment again this weekend. I have a series of post going this past week called "Why Bloggers Blog." Your input is welcome.
He is the way, the Truth, and the life...

Carley said...

patterns of ink...

as you can see, i don't check my blog often enough...

my comment on why i blog... i did at first because i wanted to recreate a website that was extraordinarily successful... on shark teeth 'fossils' and other such finds... but, it was lost in cyberspace when msn just shut down the host service... without much notice, as i recall...

but, the work involved in doing this was beyond me at the time...

so i just started this blog and it is almost an online diary... yuck...

why do you blog?