Thursday, October 5, 2006

His Stuff Moves Out

Today, after a long long long wait, his stuff moves out...

My betraying, sad husband of 26 years! comes today to take his stuff out of my house... after his announcement in February of 2004 that he had "given up on me" (yes, those particular words are still haunting) while he was secretly sleeping with his director of nursing! Uggh.

"I will only take what is mine." So he says.

But, you know, he is a liar. Therefore, how in the world can I believe him?

I am feeling generous this morning... he can have the television he wants, two bookcases, a chest of drawers... I will offer the couch we bought together years ago, the old toaster oven, some sheets and towels if he wants them... maybe even a few dishes...

He must take his butterfly collection and his many pastel drawings... and please! All his clothing and whatever books and papers are his...thank God!


megaladonmom said...

My soon to be ex left right before mother's day in the same year, 2004. He needed something more. When he started moving things out without my permission, I changed the locks and removed a gismo from the automatic garage door motor and that is while I was recovering from major back surgery. Oh, yes this was after 32 years of marriage. Have you negotiated a separation agreement? That is more important than the divorce?

Anonymous said...

No, I haven't. Tried mediation x 2 which did not work. He will be going to jail soon for contempt of court. Yep, getting ugly fast. Too bad. And this from a man whom I truly loved... once upon a time...