Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Saturday, March 18, 2006

Three Burials of "Milky Eyes" Estrada

i saw three burials of "milky eyes" estrada this afternoon at the terrace on james island... i laughed at a corpse... and laughed at tommy lee jones as he was bitten by fire ants... i laughed at a blind man.... and gasped and laughed at death...

Friday, March 17, 2006

one of the fish i caught and released

a red drum or channel bass i caught in 2005 along the intracostal waterway in charleston, s.c.

Thursday, March 16, 2006

firsthand account of iraq

"i was just in iraq... my father was in iraq... it's going to work out."

Thursday, March 2, 2006

a pain in my neck

woke up this morning in the 40 days of lent without any thought of what i might give up... i have always figured that whatever i might give up during lent is something that i should have given up already.

i did wake up with a pain (literally) in the right side of my neck and in my jawline as well.

so far, this has caused a slight headache and a desire to SLEEP...

i imagine some of this pain is actually STRESS from the bizarre nature of my ongoing and utterly weird marital separation and pending, oh so pending, divorce...